Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Quantitative Methods in Social Science, University of London sample scholarship essays

PhD Studentship
Quantitative Methods in Social Science
Institute of Education, University of London - Department of Quantitative Social Science
£15,500 tax-free plus paid fees

The Department of Quantitative Social Science (DoQSS) at the Institute of Education, University of London, houses a major ESRC-funded project on the use of administrative data in policy analysis directed by Professor Lorraine Dearden. The ADMIN project forms part of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. As part of ADMIN, the Institute is now funding a new PhD studentship to work on methodological and policy issues relating to the use of administrative data, especially administrative data that are linked to survey data.

The studentship is for three years. It covers tuition fees and provides an annual tax-free stipend of approx. £15,500. There may also be the opportunity to undertake limited part-time research assistance and/or teaching.

Essential Criteria

Applicants will have a good first degree in a quantitative social science, e.g. economics, geography or psychology, or in maths or statistics (the degree should be at the 2:1 level or above if obtained in the UK). They will have a strong quantitative background and will usually have completed, or be about to complete, an MSc degree or equivalent in a quantitative social science or in research methods.

The studentship is open to both existing UK residents and to citizens of other EU countries.

Further information

Click here for further information on ADMIN, on the types of PhD research that could be undertaken, on DoQSS, and for details of how to apply:
